Success Stories
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    I have long since deleted my account here, but I wanted to thank you for this site. I met my current partner here and it has been over two years now that we are together. We moved states, bought a house, and are soon to get married. This site and online dating in general seemed like such a long shot, but it absolutely changed my entire life. Thank you.

    -> Sent by a female user from United States

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    I never figured I would get very far with dating sites, but on this of all places, I met my absolute soulmate. We chatted for a bit here and eventually met up. Fast forward a bit and we are talking marriage and buying a house together. Thank you so much for this venue.

    -> Sent by a female user from United States

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    It's been 6 years since me and my partner got together. I moved over to be with him over 3 years ago and now we have two beautiful sons together. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity in our lives we couldn't be happier 

    -> Sent by a female user from Scotland


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    I met my girlfriend on this site during the summer. She's from norway, and I'm from belgium, and we met up a few weeks ago. We had an amazing week together. This christmas, I'm going to norway to visit her for 10 days. I couldn't be happier. Thank you, Metal Dating.

    -> Sent by a male user from Belgium 



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    After failed attempts on other dating websites, I was tired of not meeting guys with my same taste in music (the basis of any relationship, in my book!) Found this site by accident and within a week was chatting with a fellow metal head from the US. After a bit of chatting, we found out we were in the same city! 2 years later we got married and always tell people this story ? Thank you for helping me find my soul mate!ttempts on other dating websites, I was tired... more